1st Anniversary & New Kids Size Celebration Sale!!

On April 29th, we will be holding a 10% off sale on all products as Golden Week begins! To express our gratitude for our first anniversary and to commemorate the launch of our new kids sizes!

I would be thrilled if more people knew about ladeco and discovered the joy of customization and the joy of creating one-of-a-kind items!

If you enter the coupon code [1st.ANNIVERSARY] when purchasing, you will receive a 10% discount on all products during the period! Why not take this opportunity to make your own unique sneakers or bag!

It will take a little more time to set up the easy custom simulation for kids size. Coming soon!!

We offer kids' sizes, so parents and children can coordinate their outfits together, or your child can design a picture they drew on a sneaker or bag as a keepsake. We'll make sneakers and bags that will be a lifelong keepsake!

The kid's size lineup includes white canvas high-cut, white canvas low-cut, and slip-ons in black and white, plus shower sandals in kids', women's, and men's sizes. The kid's size lineup includes sneakers in seven sizes, ranging from 18.5cm to 22.5cm.

We stock a wide range of shower sandals, with 17 sizes in total, ranging from 16.0cm to 27.5cm.

Matching sandals for the whole family is great!

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